What is OLX.PH?

OLX is a global brand which provides local communities a vibrant market to discover opportunities that improve lives by earning extra cash simply from posting items that are no longer of use, and thus giving buyers the opportunity to find value to these items at awesome and affordable deals.  Though OLX Philippines, as the name implies, caters primarily to the local Filipino market, anyone interested in posting ads or discovering awesome deals on the website is welcome! To post an ad, though, users must have an active Philippines mobile number, while sending of private messages require local connections to work. These requirements are intentionally designed into the website as a precautionary measure for their users.  Since scammers abound, not all transactions in OLX are that secure.  Prospective buyers should check on the trust ratings of the sellers.  Better yet, transactions should be made in person after finalizing the deal via the cellphone or the built-in messaging system.  In Filipino, this is called kaliwaan (spot payments).
